Ministry of Motherhood – Done

I’ve been participating in the Ministry of Motherhood (book by Sally Clarkson) Book Club (put together over at GoodMorningGirls) / study group for the past twelve weeks ~ what an absolutely AMAZING book and study this has been!  We are now done…and it is bittersweet.

What the study group consisted of: each day (M-F) we were to do a S.O.A.P. which was a totally new concept to me.  S = write down your Scripture verse(s), O = write down what observations you had of these verses, A = how can you apply these thoughts to your life and P = prayer.  AWESOME way to work thru verses! Every four chapters in the book, there would be “Study and Discussion” questions as well.  So, our secret online Facebook study group would daily share their SOAP and every other week would share S&D questions.

This book and study was definitely an eye opener for me.  I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to other mothers…it just really put the MINISTRY of Motherhood before me in a way I had never thought of before.  My MAIN focus needs to be my boys (and my husband, of course…but I’m not “Ministering” to him like I am my children).

Have a wonderfully blessed day!


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